Find out more about Bio Garantie d.o.o. as a company and as an employer
Bio Garantie d.o.o. was established in year 2012 and it operates as an independent, accredited certification body. In year 2021. we changed the company name from Austria Bio Garantie d.o.o to Bio Garantie d.o.o. Our company complies with the regulations of Croatia and the EU necessary for its operation, therefore it acts as a certification body acknowledged by our national Ministry of Agriculture and the Croatian Accreditation Agency.
Our identification number is: HR-EKO-07.
Bio Garantie d.o.o. provides farmers, processing units and traders, operating in the food industry, with information mandatory for obtaining organic certification, thereby contributing to the introduction of sustainable production methods, as well as to strengthening the position of the certified companies on the market. Besides the agricultural holdings dealing with growing plants or raising animals, our company also offers its services for agricultural processing companies in Croatia. Since 2019 Bio Garantie d.o.o. is member of the EASY-CERT group, which was established by the leading certification body of Austria, Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (ABG) and Switzerland, bio.inspecta AG. The branch of ABG in Romania and the subsidiaries in Croatia and Italy also belong to the group. Other organic certification bodies, like CERES GmbH and bio.inspecta AG also joined the EASY-CERT group, together with all their subsidiaries. As a result, EASY-CERT group is one of the biggest inspection and certification bodies in Europe. The group of companies operate in an integrated quality management system, utilizing a harmonised inspection and certification process, which is more effective, faster and enables to provide a higher quality service.
Bio Garantie d.o.o. helps agricultural holdings and businesses develop and strengthen their market position in a sustainable way.
With its comprehensive range of services BG stands for quality, reliability and customer utility.
As member of the EASY-CERT group BG belongs to one of the biggest inspection and certification body in Europe. BG inspects and certifies products produced in accordance with principles of environmental and social sustainability and animal welfare.
Competent, experienced BG staff are deployed to carry out inspection and certification of agricultural holdings and processing and trading companies - and they do so in a manner that is clear, independent and reliable. In this way, the credibility of the products and processes inspected or certified by BG is guaranteed.
BG gears its activities towards the needs of its clients and maintains openness in its communications with them. BG strives continuously to enhance its clients' satisfaction by providing, from one source, products that meet clients' requirements and services that are efficient.
In its day-to-day work, BG is active in promoting organic farming and committed to ethical and social issues. BG strives to maintain a positive working environment. By helping staff to enhance their social and professional skills, BG motivates them to work in a manner that is results-oriented, autonomous and team-focused.

HRN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013
Accreditation means the formal recognition of the technical and organizational competence of an authority to execute a specific service as described in the scope of accreditation. Bio Garantie d.o.o. is an accredited certification body for certification of products according to the standard ISO 17065 by the Accreditation Agency in the scope described in annex to Accreditation Certificate number 3662. All activities are subjected to supervision by the Croatian Accreditation Authority (HAA).
Accreditation is a confidence building measure which allows authorities, economy and society to judge if inspection or certification bodies fulfill specific tasks with the demanded high reliability.
Procedure in case of withdrawal or suspension of accreditation
The accredited body, in case of suspension in part or in full or in case of withdrawal of accreditation, must immediately stop using the accreditation symbol or textually refer to the status of the accredited body including the website, in the part of activities for which accreditation is suspended or withdrawn.
In case of suspension in part or in full, or in case of withdrawal of accreditation all documents issued by Bio Garantie d.o.o. with HAA logo are no longer valid with the date of the suspension/withdrawal of accreditation. As part of the QM policy BG will immediately inform all contracted users.
Link to national Ministry: https://poljoprivreda.gov.hr/
In 2012 Bio Garantie d.o.o. obtained the identification code for inspection and certification bodies HR-EKO-07 from the Croatian Ministry. The Ministry is doing also the annual supervision and is checking the technical as well as human resources capacity for providing inspection and certification services in Croatia.
The satisfaction of our customers is very important to us, so it is also important that complaints and appeals against decisions are dealt with in a transparent appeal.If you have an appeal to an inspection or certification decision that we have carried out, please contact us.
Our customers can lodge complaints and appeals if they do not agree with the result of the inspection or with the inspections or certifications we have carried out. Please contact us in writing - if possible by e-mail - and we will process this as quickly as possible. In any case, we will inform you in writing of our decision and also tell you to which authority you can lodge your complaint or appeal if you are not satisfied with our decision.
We would like to point out that you can submit an appeal within 14 days of the inspection or decision.
The management of Bio Garantie d.o.o. is committed to impartiality and independence, and ensures that its colleagues perform their work genuinely, due to high standards, complying with the current legislations, impartially, in a trustworthy, accurate way.
Therefore our Committee on Ipartiality is committed to ensure that Bio Garantie d.o.o. conducts its business in an impartial manner.
In case you feel that your case was not handled in an impartial way, and would like to request an investigation, please contact a member of our Impartiality Committee through the following link.