Important information for 2022 and price list
Dear clients, at the beginning of this year, there were several important changes on our part that directly affect to you and your farms/companies – more detailed explanation following below. As we informed you earlier, from 01.01.2022 the new EU Regulation 2018/848 is in force. This Regulation has brought us several important changes that we have informed you in one of our earlier e-mails. On our web site you can find notice of changes and links to the new Regulations. It is important to note that certificates issued from our side and the concluded inspection contracts stay in force, and we will work together in accordance with the same procedures as in previous years - certificates for the new season according the new EU Regulation will be issued after inspection and certification processes, as before. Following the changes made with adoption of the new Regulation in relation to the previously valid one, as well and getting our own accreditation, it was necessary to change our General Terms and Conditions. Basically, the General Terms and Conditions have not changed significantly, the changes relate mostly to the new Regulation. Updated General Terms and Conditions are available on our website. Also, new EU Organic Regulation has defined that organic certificates have to be send in a digital way, which we forced in our procedures as well. This means that from this year you will receive only a link after the certification will be finished, from where you will be able to take your certificate. Paper certificates will no longer be send by post. The validity of a certificate can be check all the time over our certificate platform www.easy-cert.com Like in 2021, we are continuing with our program "client recruits client" program and for each successful recommendation with a signed contract, we give you discounts on the total amount of the invoice. This means that you can get a direct discount in the amount of 300.00, 600.00 or 900.00 kn per recommendation, depending on the size and activity of the recommended subject. How this is recorded and for more details about this program, please feel free to contact our team who will explain to you all details. We are also sending you information for inspection and certification prices for the 2022 season. We are proud to announce that at this time when all prices of goods and services are rising on a weekly basis, we did not increase our costs and we did not implement any additional cost. Our price list is available on our website at this link. For all your questions and comments, we are at your disposal through usual communication channels! Your team Bio Garantie Croatia!